Thursday, June 23, 2005

Letter From Mama

Dear Alvis:

Things are much the same here at Hootin Holler. Lately things are so bad, even the fleas on our dogs have moved out of town. Someone recently offered your father a penny for his thoughts, and he said it was nice to be working again.

We saw Nacho Gack at the Hootin Holler General Store the other day. You know we have always suspected Nacho was a bit light fingered. Well, the other day confirmed it. He told me that I could get a good pair of shoes for a couple of bucks at a bowling alley. Nacho was never concerned about style.

It seems we are always getting upset with our politicians in Washington. Your father says there is nothing wrong in Washington that some common sense or a funeral or two wouldn’t fix. The Hootin Holler Mayor, Seymor Hills is no different. Fortunately, he doesn’t say much. Even when he does, he doesn’t say much. We have been watching a lot of politicians on television lately. Your father says television allows you to watch people from the comfort of your home, who you would never have there as company. Anymore it seems we vote for the candidate we dislike the least. I would like to see more women in politics, but it must be hard to keep putting makeup on two faces.

Lazlo Thomas came over to the house last night to talk to your father. As you know, Lazlo is engaged to a girl names Soupie. She wants Lazlo to get a professional job somewhere. Your father says that Lazlo is already a professional shirker, and one of the best. Work never bothered Lazlo; he can go to sleep next to it any time. Lazlo told your father he is thinking about being a writer. The only thing Lazlo will ever be good at writing is his name on the back of a check.

Well, must go and help your father. He was over at George Strange’s house visiting, and stuck his finger into George’s fish tank to see if the piranha were real. They were.


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