Sunday, May 22, 2005

Mama's Letter

Dear Alvis:

Things are much the same here in Hootin Holler. Your father and I are both feeling our age. It seems that I am always dealing with one of the Ritis boys. Your father says it takes about 10 years to get used to how old you are. I guess we are lucky when compared to some people. Your father says unless you have walked in another man’s shoes, you can’t imagine the smell.

Starley Stone turned 99 last month and is getting more and more forgetful in his old age. His daughter is afraid he is coming down with Old Timer’s. She says he promised her he would take a test for senility, but is worried that he will forget to take it.

The Clod and the McDuel families have finally ended their 55 year feud with each other. Your father says that he will believe it when he sees it because nobody ever forgets where he buried the hatchet.

It was interesting to hear about your recent visit to a Sushi bar. I have always heard the old saying about drinking like a fish, but never realized that fish might have their own bar. From your description of Sushi, I think we have something similiar in Hootin Holler, too. But here it is called bait.

Bettie Clam, the town gossip came for a visit the other day. Did you ever notice that some people become more interesting when they stop talking? Bettie is one of them.

Well, must go and help your father. He went to see if that old patch of quicksand near our swamp had dried up. It hadn’t.



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