Monday, August 01, 2005

Mama Writes

Dear Alvis:

Things are much the same here in Hootin Holler. The good thing about being poor is it doesn’t take much to improve your situation. I guess it is a good thing we can’t afford more things, cause I’d just have more things to dust.

Last week a bunch of fishermen came through town looking for a good place to fish. They said they were sportsmen. Your father says there are two types of fishermen, those who do fish for sport and those who catch fish.

Harley Corn stopped going to his psychiatrist. Harley said the man was meddling too much in his private life. He told your father that any one who goes to a psychiatrist should have his head examined.

Lazlo Thomas came by the house the other day. He is as lazy as ever. He dropped by around dinnertime, hoping for a free meal, but we had already eaten. My, my, too slow for a free meal. About the only thing Lazlo can do fast is get tired. Lazlo told us he went to the doctor the other day because he was feeling listless. The doctor told Lazlo there is nothing wrong with him; he is just lazy. Lazlo wanted to know the medical term for it, so he could tell Soupie, his fiancé. Soupie is just about as bad as Lazlo. Then only thing that isn’t lazy is her tongue. Your father says if the two of them ever get married, they probably will do their dishes in bed. Of course, that assumes either one will cook.

Betty Clam, the town gossip came over to visit the other day. She always seems to have more details than facts. I honestly believe she only has two types of friends, those she talks to and those she talks about. Your father says Betty believes much more than she hears. He also says she tells everything she can get her ears on.

Well, must go and help your father. I think he must be in his second childhood. He borrowed Johnny Clinton’s skateboard the other day and is trying to learn to ride it. This morning he went to Hootin Holler Hill to see if he could skateboard down it. He couldn’t.




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