Saturday, August 06, 2005

A Short Note From Alvis

Dear Mama:

I was pleased to get your last letter and hear about all the happenings in Hootin Holler. Things are much the same here in the big city. I did have an interview for a job last week, but am not sure I did that well. When the fella asked me how far I went in school, I told him, "About three miles." I also told him that I had a hard time learning to spell because the teacher kept changing the words. He said he would let me know if I had the job. Still haven't heard.

I was invited by a neighbor woman to attend a roast last weekend. I brought a roasting pan just in case they needed an extra one, but they told me it was not that kind of a roast. It was more like a birthday party. They made fun of this man, who was having his 50th birthday. Everyone laughed a lot, including the man. I couldn't figure what was so funny about turning 50; and they never did roast anything.

Well, must go for now. I have been invited by Brandy, the neighbor lady, to go out to get a bite to eat. Have you ever heard of a woman being named after a drink? Come to think of it, I know a guy named Bud. Guess with equality of the sexes, fair is fair. We are going to the kind of restaurant where you stand in front and decide what to eat. Write soon.



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